Rewilding Writing 3: Notes on Reading a “Spiritual” Magazine

I’m supposed to be editing my mini-book. I’ve blocked off the time to do it this afternoon. But I’ve just read a spiritual magazine for the first time in ages, and I can’t help but be unsettled by it. It’s a magazine focused on books and publishing in the esoteric and spiritual industry, too. That’s why I’ve chosen it to claim my attention while I eat my lunch in the burning late summer sunshine. 

Rewilding Writing

I’ve just buried a bird.  It’s the first day of my bleed and I’m in a lot of physical pain and I’ve buried a bird.  I didn’t stop to take any photos. And I’m not even sure what kind of bird it was. The whole thing was over pretty quickly, a lot more quickly than I’d imagined, really. Just moments after journaling to myself that I would start taking responsibility for whatever needs doing, as it needs to be done, instead of putting it off until some other (never) later time when it’s usually too late. I looked over at what I had thought was some leaf litter or debris in the garden and I realised that it was a bird.

Being a Writer When Not Writing : Litha & Lammas

It's been a while... I haven't written a poem since Beltaine. And, as the reader will attest, not a blog post either. Litha, or Summer Solstice, the Celtic season just passing is the Solar Energetic peak of the year, the time of greatest energy for accomplishment and productivity - getting things done and bringing things … Continue reading Being a Writer When Not Writing : Litha & Lammas

Summer Offerings from Sally-Shakti Willow: Yogi Poet Witch

Sat 6 July ~ CACAO POETRY MANDALA at the Yoga Life Studio, Eastbourne Thurs 11 July ~ EXTRAORDINARY & EVERYDAY UTOPIAS at the University of Brighton Fri 12 July ~ BREATHING & MOVING FOR WELLBEING at the University of Westminster 17-21 July ~ POETRY MANDALA WORKSHOP & PERFORMANCES at Buddhafield Festival, Taunton Sat 27 July ~ PEACE DRUM … Continue reading Summer Offerings from Sally-Shakti Willow: Yogi Poet Witch